our purpose
Show people how to be saved from the Lake of Fire, and from eternal separation from Jesus Christ. Show the simplicity of salvation via the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ – His blood atonement. Give Bible evidence that our salvation is based on believing in the finished work of Jesus Christ and not on any work or religious activity we can perform.
Give evidence that the King James Bible is the preserved Word of God. Share doctrinal truths with other believers recognizing that we can learn from others also, and that we can gain from the work/study others have done.
Show fellow Christians what the Bible teaches concerning our resurrection or meeting the Lord in the air. Is there really an immanent rapture, or does the Bible teach the Body of Christ church will be here when the “last days” begin?
Provide various lessons and articles showing that the gospel given to the twelve apostles is different than the gospel given to the Apostle Paul. The twelves’ ministry was only for Israel, whereas Paul’s ministry was a mystery hid in God until it was revealed to Paul. Paul’s doctrine is for this present dispensation and includes the Gentiles.
Show that all biblical prophecy and the study of such can only be accurately accomplished via the King James Bible. It is not necessary to rely on secular history nor Greek and Hebrew word translations. In fact, the articles and lessons provided herein will show how any deviation from the true word of God will lead to false understanding of the prophetic events yet to come.